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2021 NCCCIAP: 'Go Big and Stay Home' 2020 Halloween Iron Pour

Featuring Presenters Ben Filchak and the Steel Yard Crew

For 16 years our trained Pour crew has harnessed the power of a custom-built iron tilt-furnace to pour hundreds of pounds of luminous, molten iron and activating larger-than-life sculptures by fire and the molten metal. Volunteers spend months building the functional sculptures and preparing sand molds and completing safety training. All of this culminates in an outdoor festival in which we invite over 1,500 individuals to witness this performative foundry art while working with fire dancers, musicians, and art vendors to pull it all together.

We had to make some changes in 2020 to protect our community and keep everyone safe & healthy. Instead of hosting a live event we filmed the 2020 Iron Pour and released it digitally for free to the entire world. We worked with numerous photographers, lighting to capture the event... the piece was edited down to an exciting 10 minutes filled with interviews from board, staff and volunteers and paired with music donated from local artists.


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